5 Ways to Stretch Your Grocery Budget This Month

Struggling to keep that grocery budget in check? Today I’m sharing five of my favorite ways to stretch your grocery budget this month with the hope that you can find a little extra wiggle room. Sound like something you need? Well then, let’s get started!

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Here’s the deal: in order to achieve your long-term financial goals, you have to have a budget that works for you and your family. That means, getting super clear on your income, expenses, and total debt payoff amounts, so you can make any necessary changes and begin to see progress. That’s exactly what the Financial Fix Up Planner is designed to help you do. With step-by-step instructions to set up your budget, monthly challenges to keep you on your toes, menu planning resources, and space to reflect on your goals, you’ll have everything you need to pursue your dream of financial freedom. Sound like something you need? You can grab your copy today at lemonblessings.com/planner and because you are a podcast listener, you can get it for 20% off by using code SUMMER24. Once again that’s lemonblessings.com/planner and use code SUMMER24 for 20% off your copy of the Financial Fix Up Planner.

5 Ways to Stretch Your Grocery Budget This Month

Well hey there and welcome to another episode of the Financial Fix Up Podcast. I’m your host, Sarah Brumley, and today’s episode is going to be short and sweet as I bring you five simple ways you can stretch your grocery budget this month.

And I know – sometimes there’s just no more give in the grocery budget, but by implementing these few ideas, I’m hopeful you might be able to find just a little more wiggle room than you thought you had.

So without further ado, let’s just jump right in.

Savings Method #1: Meal Plan Ahead of Time

The first way to stretch your grocery budget is to meal plan ahead of time. And I cannot stress this enough. If you are not meal planning weekly, biweekly or even monthly, you are spending more money on groceries than you need to. I almost guarantee it.

Because, the truth is that when you take the time to create a meal plan, not only do you know exactly what you’re going to eat in that given time period, but you can also inventory what you already have in your pantry, fridge and freezer, so that you can create a grocery list that accurately represents what you need.

Then, when you head out to the grocery store, there’s no guesswork as to what to buy or how much. AND – BONUS – you won’t be caught running to the grocery store randomly for an item you missed only to come home with three other items you didn’t even need.

So, savings method #1 is to meal plan ahead of time. And if you want some help getting your meal planning strategy up and going, you’ll definitely want to grab a copy of the Financial Fix Up Planner. Not only does it include everything you need to create your ideal family budget, but it also has everything you need to create a meal plan that works for you. Plus grocery lists, inventory trackers, and more. So, grab your copy today at lemonblessings.com/planner.

Step #2: Eat Before You Go

The second way to stretch your grocery budget this month is to eat before you go grocery shopping. Now, this might seem a bit like a no-brainer for some, but I can’t tell you how many times I end up at the grocery store starving and grab food items I don’t have on my list because of it. The same rings true for Costco. Even if they have those free samples, the likelihood that you’ll come home with something you don’t need increases drastically if you go in hungry.

My solution to this is to pack granola bars, nuts, or other snack like items in my bag or in the car ahead of time – both for myself AND my kids so that there’s no hungry frustration as we walk the aisles.

So, savings method #2 is to eat before you go.

Step #3: Utilize Grocery Pickup or Delivery

If you struggle to stick to your grocery list in the store, then it might be a good time to consider my third way to stretch your grocery budget and that’s using a grocery pick up or delivery service. Of course, this all comes down to which store you choose and the cost of whatever service you pick, so definitely do your research before you dive into this.

If you’re like me and you use your your grocery store outings as toddler training sessions then you might not be able to make this work, but if it keeps you from adding random items to your cart OR forgetting an important ingredient, then it might be a good cost-saving option for you.

Step #4: Consider Ready-Made Meals

Now this next one could be a little controversial but I’m going to suggest it anyways and that’s to consider ready-made meals. And…more often than not it might not be a good savings option, but I do believe there are a few times when it can be.

For example, our local grocery store does a Cheap Chicken Monday. And that means that our entire family can have fried chicken and Jo Jo potatoes for less than $10. Even better, that meal normally allows for two people to have leftovers for lunch the next day. Based on my calculations, I would have easily spent the $10 or much more for all of the ingredients and I’d still have had to cook it, clean up after it, you get the picture. Plus it’s technically take out, just without the high price tag so that makes my entire family happy.

We also sometimes find ready-made meals at Costco, so that’s something to consider as well.

Now, I do have to say that this doesn’t apply to every ready-made meal, nor are ready-made meals always the healthiest option, but if you are looking for ways to cut costs or need some help preventing your family from spending money on more expensive take out meals, then this might be an option to help you stretch that grocery budget.

Step #5: Choose a Side to Buy in Bulk

The final option I have for you is to choose a side to buy in bulk. And this can apply to weekly shoppers, but I like to think of this from a monthly perspective because I tend to do my bulk shopping once per month.

So, when I’m creating my meal plan, I’m looking for a side or two that can be carried out throughout the entire month so that I can purchase a large quantity of it all at once. That saves money – but only if it doesn’t go bad before we eat it.

In our case, we like to focus on rice, quinoa, frozen veggies, and even beans as cost-saving options. Sometimes a bag of rice or quinoa will last us well beyond one month, so that can help us save next month, too. For example, if I buy a big bag of rice this month and don’t use it all, maybe next month I don’t need to purchase that side. OR maybe next month I can buy a big bag of frozen veggies and we can have a little more variety. These staples can make it really easy to save money over the course of a month and beyond.

Now, if money is super tight but you don’t like the idea of eating the same thing all month long, you might consider purchasing one side yourself, having a friend purchase another bulk side and then dividing them equally. Not only can you reap the benefits of the bulk savings, but then you have a little variety as well. So, definitely something to think about.

How Will You Stretch Your Grocery Budget This Month

So there you have it – five of my favorite ways to stretch the grocery budget.

  • Meal plan ahead of time
  • Eat before you go
  • Use grocery pickup or delivery
  • Consider ready-made meals
  • Choose a side to buy in bulk

Of course, there are so many other ways that you can save money when it comes to your grocery budget AND your budget in general, so if you need help making those adjustments, definitely head to lemonblessings.com/planner and grab your copy of the Financial Fix Up Planner. It’s designed to help you make financial decisions that work for your family and move you toward whatever your dream of financial freedom looks like. Once again, you can find it at lemonblessings.com/planner.

Whatever you decide, just know that I’m cheering you on! You’ve got this! Have an amazing day and I’ll chat with you again next time!
