So you failed in your monthly budget
Sarah Brumley

So You Failed in Your Monthly Budget, Now What?

So, you failed in your monthly budget. It’s a terrible feeling and yet it happens to us all at one point in time or another. The key is to move forward. Today we’re talking about four steps to take so that you can press on passed that failed budget and

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Sarah Brumley

How to Keep Your Friends and Your Budget, Too

We’ve all been there at one point or another, wondering how to keep our friends and maintain our budget at the same time. It starts with a friend calling to ask if you want to go to dinner. You look at that well-planned budget for the month, and suddenly you

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How to Create the Ideal Budget for Your Family
Sarah Brumley

How to Create the Ideal Budget for Your Family

Want to create the ideal budget for your family but aren’t sure where to start? Well you’re in the right place. Today we’re chatting about three steps to take to ensure budgeting success – no matter how bad your financial situation looks right now. Sound like something you need? Well

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How To RSVP Yes To Birthdays When Money is Tight

It’s my birthday this week and that got me thinking about celebrating birthdays on a budget. Specifically, how to RSVP yes to birthdays when money is tight or already earmarked for a specific purpose. Trust me, I’ve been there. As my birthday gift to you, I’m giving you my top

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How to Make Date Night Work With Your Budget

As spring approaches, we find ourselves immersed in the season of love. And while that’s all well and good, if you trying to achieve a big financial goal, you might be wondering how to make date night work on a budget. Not to worry, I have some ideas that might

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Sarah Brumley

How to Categorize Your Expenses and Achieve Your Goals

A list of all the bills you pay each month can do the trick when you’re creating your first budget, but if you want to see the needle move when it comes to achieving your goals, then it’s time to categorize your expenses. It doesn’t take long but it makes

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Sarah Brumley

7 Things to Consider for a Successful 2024 Budget

We’re off to the running and 2024 is well underway. Sure, it might be the first week, but if we don’t get started achieving those goals now, we’ll never get the results we desire. And financial goals are no different. The sooner you start with a successful 2024 budget, the

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Tax Season is Ending: How to Prepare for Next Year
Sarah Brumley

Tax Season is Ending: How to Prepare for Next Year

As we approach the last day of tax season, you likely fall into one of two categories: the person sitting back and enjoying their tax return (maybe you’ve already had yours for months) or you’re scrambling to make sure you can pay your taxes this year. No matter which camp

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How to Prepare for a Potential Layoff
Sarah Brumley

How to Prepare for a Potential Layoff

If there’s one thing this past year has taught us, it’s that even those jobs that seemed secure pre-pandemic are no longer a guarantee of employment going forward. And – you no longer have to be at the bottom of the totem pole to find yourself out of work. If

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