Saving + Investing
Sarah Brumley

5 Savings Funds Every Family Budget Needs

If you want a family budget that helps you achieve your debt payoff goals, increase your savings, and just plain feel more freedom financially, then you won’t want to miss today’s episode. We’re chatting about five savings funds every family budget should have in order to be successful long-term. Sound

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Do You Need an Emergency Fund?
Saving + Investing
Sarah Brumley

Do You Need to Start an Emergency Fund Immediately?

If you’ve ever read any blog post, Pinterest pin, or book on creating a budget, planning for the future, or saving, then you may feel that the topic of emergency funds gets more attention than it deserves. Perhaps you’ve struggled […]

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Grocery + Meal Planning

February 2024 Challenge: Meal Plan to Save More Money

I’m thrilled that February has arrived, not just because it’s my birthday month, but also because I have an exciting challenge to share that will assist you in maintaining your budget. This month, our focus will be on how to meal plan to save more money. We’re diving into the

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Saving + Investing
Sarah Brumley

7 Easy Ways to Save More Money in 2024

We all want to save more money in 2024. But with rising utility bills, grocery costs, and those brand new shoes your kiddo keeps growing out of, saving money might feel like a far-fetched idea, right? Not to worry. There’s still plenty of savings to be had, if you’re looking

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Household Systems
Sarah Brumley

5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Utility Bill

Housing costs can easily become the biggest expense in your budget. And with good reason. From your mortgage or rent payment to utilities and beyond, your home is the hub of your life. It might seem like those expenses are set in stone, but the truth is that there are

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How I Saved $689.46 for Christmas (And You Can, Too!)
Holiday + Vacation
Sarah Brumley

How I Saved $689.46 for Christmas (And You Can, Too!)

Every year we spend more and more during the holiday season. Perhaps you can relate. It doesn’t seem to matter how well-intentioned we are heading into the season, there are always more expenses than we account for ahead of time. Last year was no different when it came to expenses,

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How to Prevent that Bonus From Destroying Your Budget
Sarah Brumley

How to Prevent that Bonus From Destroying Your Budget

So, you got a bonus. Whether it was a bonus for all of the hard work you did last year, a payout from your financial investments, or a stimulus check, it probably feels really exciting. But it might also feel a little overwhelming as you try to decide the best

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7 Steps to Purchase Your First Home
Sarah Brumley

7 Steps to Purchase Your First Home

Chloe is a work from home mom and writer obsessed with all things budget-friendly. She not only spends time looking for the best bargains but also learning how to manage her family’s finances! When she’s not wrangling her four girls, she’s spending time trying new coffee huts and taking too

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Simple Ways to Save on Heating Costs
Household Systems
Sarah Brumley

Simple Ways to Save on Heating Costs

Heating ranks high as one of the biggest costs during the winter months. While having to heat your house is unavoidable in most areas of the United States, there are some steps you can take that will help you save money on heating costs.  Take Advantage of Sunlight  While the

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Simple Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season
Holiday + Vacation
Sarah Brumley

Simple Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season

Slammed with advertisements, wants from kids, and general holiday cheer puts the pressure on to spend more, more, more every year. While most people do have to spend money at the holidays, there are many simple ways to save money this holiday season. From travel to expensive gifts, and everything

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How to use a savings fund
Saving + Investing
Sarah Brumley

How To Use a Savings Fund and Why You Absolutely Should

When Justin and I first started out on our journey to better our finances, we really struggled with inconsistent expenses. Honestly, it took us over a year to figure out what they were, but those quarterly, biannually, and annual expenses really took a toll on the progress we’d hoped to

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emergency medical bills
Health + Insurance
Sarah Brumley

How to Save for Emergency Medical Expenses

We’ve had seven doctor appointments and two emergency room visits over the past two months. Not to mention, I’m going to start earning frequent flier miles at our local pharmacy. At the time, it’s necessary, right? No one wants to deal with influenza or pneumonia (several bouts of it) without

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