How to Change Your Mindset: Comparison and Your Finances
Family + Personal
Sarah Brumley

How to Avoid the Comparison Trap with Your Finances

We spend much of our lives in the comparison trap. We see actresses lose the baby weight right after birth, models keep their “perfect” shapes no matter their age and others find success in ways we never imagined. But more often than not, comparison hinders our own progress and this

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Family + Personal
Sarah Brumley

What My Quarter 1 Results Actually Were (Plus Q2 Intentions)

It’s hard to believe that we’ve entered Quarter 2 of 2024. In fact, we’re over halfway through April if you’re listening to this in real time, and I thought today would be a perfect time to give you a little insight into what’s happening in my life – with my

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Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

Rock Bottom Finances: A Blessing in Disguise?

When you’ve hit rock bottom and are absolutely certain your financial situation can’t get any worse, what should you do next? Today I’m chatting about five lessons, blessings you might call them, that we learned from our rock bottom finances. So, if that’s the type of encouragement you need to

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Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

The Truth About What Financial Freedom Actually Means to Me

Well hey there and welcome to this first episode of the Financial Fix Up Podcast. I’m your host, Sarah Brumley and I’m so happy that you’re joining me today and taking this step toward better managing your finances and achieving the financial freedom you dream about. If we’ve never met

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Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

How to Create Better Money Goals With Your Spouse

Money is a challenge for most married couples. In fact, statistics reveal that money issues lead to 22% of divorces. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to become part of that statistic. Knowing that, I wanted to take some time today to share how Justin and I

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Debt Management
Sarah Brumley

Debt Free in 2024? 3 Reasons Clear Goals Matter

When you’re up to your ears in debt and making only the minimum payments, it might be hard to believe that you could actually become debt free. But if your intention is to get out from under those revolving lines of credit, you’re in the right place. Today we’re looking

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Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

My Goals for 2024 + Quarter 1 Intentions

It’s pretty safe to say that I LOVE setting goals – especially those that are meant to accompany a fresh new year. This year is absolutely no different. In fact, I’ve spent the better part of the last month reflecting on 2023, and prayerfully considering the things I’d like to

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Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

Sneak Peak: What’s Happening in 2024?

It’s been six years to the day since the initial launch of Lemon Blessings. At the time my dream was to help families improve their financial situations, without taking on a second job. My mission became to offer practical, easy-to-implement financial strategies to help you do just that. I didn’t

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5 Simple Strategies to Create and Achieve Goals This Year
Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

5 Simple Strategies to Create and Achieve Goals This Year

I’ve always loved setting goals. There’s something about purchasing a new planner, laying out the entire year, and then putting the plan in action that brings me a lot of joy. After 2020, though, I didn’t feel the same way. Like many others I’ve spoken with, I ended the year

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How to Prevent that Bonus From Destroying Your Budget
Sarah Brumley

How to Prevent that Bonus From Destroying Your Budget

So, you got a bonus. Whether it was a bonus for all of the hard work you did last year, a payout from your financial investments, or a stimulus check, it probably feels really exciting. But it might also feel a little overwhelming as you try to decide the best

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7 Steps to Purchase Your First Home
Sarah Brumley

7 Steps to Purchase Your First Home

Chloe is a work from home mom and writer obsessed with all things budget-friendly. She not only spends time looking for the best bargains but also learning how to manage her family’s finances! When she’s not wrangling her four girls, she’s spending time trying new coffee huts and taking too

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Are Goals Really Important?
Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

All This Talk About Goals – Are They Really Important?

I’m a big fan of goals, especially business goals.  Last year at this time I began to put together my goals for 2019. I worked with a core team of people to determine what was feasible for my business. Then, I set my financial goals way above what I ever

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