Real Life Family Finance: Blogger and Family Man
Real Life Family Finance Stories
Sarah Brumley

Real Life Family Finance: Blogger and Family Man

t’s my pleasure to have the opportunity to feature Dale today. Dale lives in California with his wife of 17 years and four kids, ages seven, ten, fourteen, and sixteen. Although Dale works primarily as a gas utility supervisor, he […]

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How to Successfully Combat that Unending To-Do List
Household Systems
Sarah Brumley

How to Successfully Combat that Unending To-Do List

Can anyone else believe it’s the first week of a new month again? I don’t know about you, but I’m a struggling a bit with how quickly last month flew by and how many things I meant to accomplish and never did. I mean, my to-do list looks longer than

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How To Successfully Organize Your Closet Today
Household Systems
Sarah Brumley

How To Successfully Organize Your Closet Today

As the weather gets chillier and time is no longer spent on the beach, it’s time to revamp that closet. I know a lot of people that store away their winter clothing and trade it out for their summer clothing when the seasons change. If that’s you, this is a

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How to Know When It's Time to Give Up
Family + Personal
Sarah Brumley

How to Know When It’s Time to Give Up

Our society spends a lot of time stressing the idea of not giving up, sticking with it until the very end, and “hanging in there”. I can’t say that I, too, haven’t been guilty of using it as a platitude when some is complaining about life getting tough. The truth

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So You Lost Your Job, Now What?
Sarah Brumley

So You Lost Your Job, Now What?

You never thought it would happen to you. You worked hard. You did everything and anything required of you, went above and beyond for your employer, and yet, here you are, pink slip in hand. Now what? […]

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How To Deal with "One of Those Days"...
Family + Personal
Sarah Brumley

How To Deal with “One of Those Days”…

In the middle of a busy time period, with no rest in sight, I find that I get frustrated easily, react poorly, and am often more aware of all of the little things that have gone wrong. When that happens, it’s easy to […]

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How To Manage Back-To-School Expectations: Kid Edition
School Year + Kids
Sarah Brumley

How To Manage Back-To-School Expectations: Kid Edition

Our kids have many expectations, from what they are going to have for breakfast to what their school days and vacations will look like. The problem with expectations, though, is that they can be disappointing when they don’t meet up with what’s pictured in one’s mind […]

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Simple Ways To Teach Your Children the Value of Money
School Year + Kids
Sarah Brumley

Simple Ways To Teach Your Children the Value of Money

Teaching your children the value of money can be difficult, but it is one of the most important lessons you can teach them. So where do you start?  Well to me, teaching my children the value of money goes hand in hand with […]

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How To Manage Back To School Expectations - Parent Edition
School Year + Kids
Sarah Brumley

How To Manage Back To School Expectations – Parent Edition

We all have expectations, for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our futures, to name a few. When it comes to the expectations our kids have for themselves, their friends, and their futures, it’s often a topic that is overlooked. As we enter another back-to-school season, I’d like to encourage

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How To Shop for School Supplies on a Budget
Sarah Brumley

How To Shop for School Supplies on a Budget

I don’t know about you, but every year the start of school and the need for school supplies seems to catch me off guard. With the start of our new budget at the beginning of the year, however, I set aside a small amount of money each month in anticipation

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