Encouragement Challenge: The Grand Beginning

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating the holiday season with friends and family and that you are now ready to get back to “regular” life and pursue your hopes and dreams for the future. I know I am!

Last year offered me so many different opportunities but, even though I started off strong, there were roadblocks and obstacles along the way that, if I hadn’t had the encouragement of those around me, might have deterred me from achieving my goals. How about you? Did you meet every goal you set for yourself last year?

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

As we start fresh with new goals, resolutions, and plans for the year ahead, I’m so incredibly excited to introduce you to the 2019 Encouragement Challenge. I’ve been working on it for a while now, and know it’s going to make a huge difference in our online community.

How it Works

Going forward, I’ll be providing you with a periodic small challenges related to your family budget, a relationship, or household that will give you something to pursue over the following week. Don’t worry, they won’t be time-consuming, but my hope is that they will encourage you to push just slightly harder to achieve your goals for the year, despite the obstacles placed in your way.

Some of the topics (not all) will be season or holiday related, but they will be applicable to each and every Lemon Blessings’ reader, no matter what your family life, financial situation, or living arrangement looks like.

I’ll provide links to additional resources as well, to allow those overachievers to take it to the next level.

What I Ask of You

#1: Have fun.

Seriously, if it’s not fun, what’s the point? Enjoy each challenge and engage with others in the process.

#2: Invite someone to join you.

Challenges are always more fun with friends, so will you take the time to share this challenge with someone you think might benefit from it? Do it together with a friend and you can compare notes or even up the ante a bit!

Encouragement Challenge: The Grand Beginning

Take the time to outline one to three personal goals for the 2019 calendar year. These should be personal, so while they might also involve your family or career to some degree, they should be specific to you.

“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.” – Anne Frank

Once you’ve determined what those goals are, decide how you will achieve them. What steps will you take? How will you know you are making progress toward those goals?

Tip: If you’d like a little additional encouragement, sign up for my FREE 5-Day Goal Course (find it HERE).

Additional Resources:

Making Goals (And Reaching Them!)

How to Make Goals for Financial Success

The Things to Consider When Making Promises to Yourself


When you’ve come up with your goals, take the time to write them in a comment below.
