My Top 10 Affordable Must-Haves from Costco

If you’ve ever wondered what to buy in bulk and what not to, today’s episode is for you. I’m sharing my grocery budget details, all of my favorite Costco must-haves for our family, and the things I don’t buy in bulk. So, if that sounds like something you need or you just want a little inside peek into my life, well then, this one’s for you. Let’s get started.

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My Costco Must-Haves (+ Things I Don’t Buy in Bulk)

Well hey there and welcome to another episode of the Financial Fix Up Podcast. I’m your host, Sarah Brumley, and today is going to be a fun and (hopefully) quick episode all about my Costco must-haves for our family. This topic comes as a question from a listener who has heard me talk about buying things in bulk and wanted to know what I actually purchase. And trust me, I love an inside peek into what others do, so I’m super happy to share.

At this point, we have a monthly grocery budget of $800, or about $200 per week. This includes eating out and household products at this time, although in the past I’ve had those categories separated. Because we’ve honed in our meal planning strategy, we found that our monthly amounts remain consistent so there was no reason to have those separate line items. So, knowing that, we spend between $450 and $500 at Costco each month and the remaining money is either spent at the grocery store for one-off items like milk, pickles, yogurt, and coffee OR we can use it for eating out if that’s what we want. I actually only make a grocery shopping trip about once every other week now, so that’s been nice.

Now, mind you, this is after years of honing in that grocery budget, honing in that meal planning strategy, and being super careful to inventory and use the items we have in our pantry, fridge, and freezer in a way that prevents waste. I’m very well aware that the national average for food for a family of four is much higher than what we spend each month AND that there are folks out there who only dream of having the ability to spend what we do. So, you can definitely take my list and my food ideas and run with them, but I do recommend that you look very specifically at your own budget, at your own meal planning strategy and get that honed in before you purchase things in bulk that you aren’t quite sure how you’ll use. Not only will it end up being a waste of food, but you’ll waste your hard-earned money. So, don’t let that be you.

And if you’re struggling to get that meal plan up and going, you’ll definitely want to grab a copy of the Financial Fix Up Planner. In addition to helping you streamline that budget, you’ll have all of the resources you need to excel in your meal planning efforts. You can grab your copy at

Alrighty, without further ado, let’s jump into my Costco must-haves.

My Costco Must-Haves for Our Family

#1: Rice + Quinoa

I have placed these in the same category because we use them interchangeably. In fact, if we are having rice or quinoa, we will cook both because I prefer the quinoa and the rest of my family enjoys the rice. So, definitely staples around our home and so much cheaper than the grocery store.

#2: Chicken Tenderloin

My favorite thing about the Chicken Tenderloin from Costco is that it comes in individual packages which means that I can freeze them individually and keep track of exactly how many meals worth of chicken we have on hand at any given point. Not to mention, it’s always good quality. We typically buy about 12 meals worth or two packages each month and rarely have carryovers.

#3: Snack Crackers

Goldfish, Ritz Crackers, Cheese Its, and Animal Crackers are all staples in our kiddo snack cupboard and the price at Costco is unbeatable. We’re at a place right now where I can buy Goldfish one month, Ritz Crackers the next, etc, and pretty much always have some of each on hand for play dates and afternoon snacks.

#4: Granola + Breakfast Bars

We’re big fans of grab and go breakfast at our home, so each month at Costco has me stocking up on a variety of granola bars and breakfast bars. Personally, I love the Nature Valley Protein bars, but we also buy Belvita bars and Fig Bars to have a little variety.

#5: Nuts

My family loves to eat nuts, so we cycle through Cashews, Macadamia Nuts, and Pecans that we purchase in bulk at Costco. This is something that we can only do because we eat a lot of them, but the cost-savings is huge so if you enjoy eating nuts and can’t eat them all before they go bad, this might be a good one to share with a friend. You’ll likely still spend less than you would on the small can from the grocery store.

#6: Apples + Bananas

Apples and bananas are must-haves for our family. We go through so many of each that it makes sense to grab them when we are at Costco. One of my favorite things about this is that Costco often has new or different types of apples at the same price as the traditional varieties which means that we can branch out and try new ones. Of course, I only go to Costco once per month, so we do purchase these items at the grocery store as well.

#7: Bagged Salad

The price for bagged salad at Costco can be nearly half the price of what we get it for in our grocery store, so if I know that we are going to have a meal with fresh salad in the upcoming days, I make sure to grab some. Even better is when they come in a two-pack!

#8: Paper Products

I feel like paper products are a no-brainer at Costco, but we purchase paper towels, toilet paper, and paper plates and bowls. And yes – when the budget is tight, we choose to wash dishes instead, but overall, paper plates and bowls have been a go-to for our family for years and it’s unlikely that’ll change anytime soon.

#9: Eggs

We have a friend that has chickens so we’ve been getting our eggs from her recently, but when we aren’t able to do that, we definitely purchase our eggs at Costco just due to the quantity we eat on a regular basis. So, that’s definitely a must-have when we can’t get the farm fresh ones.

#10: Trash Bags

Another must-have from Costco is trash bags. I’ve been buying trash bags for so long at Costco that I could not believe how expensive they are elsewhere when I forgot to grab them last month. So, definitely a good purchase in my book.

Of course, there are many other things we purchase at Costco, but these are some that we would be miserable without.

Now there are some things we don’t purchase at Costco and I thought I’d just bring those up really quickly before we end.

Things I Don’t Purchase at Costco

#1: Cleaning Products

We don’t purchase cleaning products. I’ve actually found that I get a better deal elsewhere on our preferred cleaning products, so we choose to do that instead. Not to mention, those large bottles from Costco can be really hard to store and use.

#2: Avocados

Avocados are another thing we don’t purchase because they go from zero to ripe overnight and more often than not they go bad before we get the chance to use them. Of course, if you need that many avocados all at the same time, then they might be a good choice for you.

#3: Bread or Bread Products

Bread and things like buns and such are not items we get from Costco because we just can’t eat them fast enough before they go bad. In fact, we don’t each much bread in our home at all, so this really isn’t a go-to item for us at all.

#4: Baked Goods – Muffins, Cakes, Cookies

I won’t say never but we rarely purchase baked goods in bulk. Mostly because they are filled with sugar, which none of us need, and we are likely to be sick of them before we’ve finished the entire amount. So, just not a go-to item for us.

#5: One-Off Vegetables for a Specific Meal

We don’t purchase fresh vegetables at Costco that are geared toward a specific meal. Honestly, it’s just because they come in such a large quantity that it’s more likely they’ll go to waste before we use them. Frozen vegetables, though? Absolutely. We’re big fans of the frozen broccoli, peas, and corn as well as the stir fry veggies.

What are Your Costco Must-Haves?

So there you have it. The things we love and those we steer clear of at Costco. And as I said before, just keep in mind that your situation will be different than ours. So, make that meal plan, inventory what you already have, and stick to your budget. It’s critical if you want to reach your goal of financial freedom – whatever that might be!

And if you’re struggling to get that budget up and going, to meal plan, or just to keep track of it all, don’t forget to grab your copy of the Financial Fix Up Planner. You can find it at

Whatever you decide, just know that I’m cheering you on! You’ve got this! Have an amazing day and I’ll chat with you again next time!
