Why Spring Maintenance is Important to Save Money

Experts recommend five major home maintenance projects that should be performed annually to help cut costs and maintain that budget. Doing so can help keep your house safe and offset maintenance and repair costs in the future. It might not seem like it, but it’s true – spring maintenance is an effective way to save money!

Roof Inspection

If you live in an area that gets snow or other inclement winter weather, your roof may be at risk for water damage. No matter what your roof is made of, Spring is a good time to have a roof inspector out to ensure it’s doing its job. Sure, you might be able to visually inspect it from the ground, but whatever you do – don’t get up on the roof without the proper training. Not only can you hurt the roofing material, but you run the risk of personal injury and increased medical expenses. Save yourself the hassle and call the pros. It might cost you a little upfront, but it’s well worth the money when that roof lasts for the 20-30 years it’s supposed to.

Clean Dryer Vents

Dryer lint can be a great firestarter and that means – your dryer vents should be kept clean no matter the season. Use these warmer Spring months to ensure there isn’t any errant fuzz collecting in areas it shouldn’t be. In fact, you might want to get that handy dandy vacuum cleaner out and use the attachments that are normally reserved for kids’ foghorn noises.

Another perk: decreased dryer lint helps increase dryer efficiency! So…you’ll protect yourself from fire damage and save a little money along the way in utilities!

Clear Gutters

Water damage is no joke. Pooling water around your home can lead to siding damage, mold and other bacteria, and even foundational cracks. It can also wreak havoc with your landscaping. Save yourself money in the long-term by allowing your gutters to do the job they were created for. Gutters that are clogged with leaves and other debris won’t be effective in moving water away from the house and that’s why it’s imperative to clean your gutters before the month of April brings with it spring showers.

This is an area that many new homeowners overlook. With gutters, a little knowledge of maintenance goes a long way.

Note: As with your roofing projects, use caution when cleaning those gutters. Never lean a ladder up against the gutter as it will place pressure on the gutter and can lead to bowing and cracks – not the expense you want to incur. When in doubt, call a professional to get the job done safely and effectively.

Inspect Windows and Doors

The seals around your windows and doorways can be damaged by harsh winters. Winter weather can also cause the caulk to become hardened and crack. This damage could cause potential water damage but also raise the cost of monthly air conditioning bills so it makes good sense to fix any problems now while the weather is moderate.

Air Conditioner Maintenance

If you are blessed enough to have an air conditioner, now’s the time to inspect it. (I, personally, love the heat and refuse to let my family have the air conditioner of their dreams…but that’s a story for another time, I suppose.) It’s always recommended to take care of this task in the springtime before the weather starts to really warm up. While it might be an expense to have this done by a professional, it’s definitely more cost-effective than a do-it-yourself project that results in an expensive fix later.

Additional Spring Maintenance

Consider these other Spring “maintenance” ideas to help you spruce up your home and yard so that you can enjoy the summer when it arrives.

Having trouble keeping track of all the tasks you need to do this spring? Grab all of my Spring Cleaning and Weekly Cleaning checklists.

Spring Planting

Planting trees that will give your house shade in the summer is a fun way to save on your air conditioning costs during the summer. Be specific with the type of tree you decide to plant, make sure it’s fast-growing, most likely deciduous and not too large. Word to the wise: don’t plant trees too close to your house. While they might start out small, those trees will grow deep roots and can cause damage to your siding, roof, and foundation if you aren’t careful.

Washing Machine Hoses

Check your washing machine hoses annually for cracks. Cracked hoses can cause potential water damage and mold. If mold and/or damage are discovered, take the time to replace them. For the most part, this is an easy and affordable task to perform and will save loads of money in washer replacement down the line.

Air Conditioning Filters

In addition to having your air conditioner inspected, it’s recommended to clean or replace filters twice a year. Dirty filters require more energy and therefore raise the cost of your air conditioning bill. Replacing them is simple and saves money in the long run. Sponge-like filters can be easily cleaned by soaking in the sink filled with soapy water. Be sure to rinse before air-drying filters.

Refrigerator Coils

Can we just say “ewwww gross”? If you can, add the refrigerator coils to your honey-do list. (Sure, you can smirk a little as you do it!) Coils should be vacuumed each spring to improve energy efficiency. Just make sure to unplug that refrigerator before vacuuming your coils. For really yucky coils, you may also find it necessary to rinse them with soap and water as well. Either way, this task will improve efficiency and save you money over time.

Vacuum Cleaner

Even your vacuum cleaner needs some special attention from time to time. Doing so will prolong the lifetime of that small appliance. All you need to do is wipe it clean with a damp rag, comb the rollers and inspect the belt, suction tubes and attachments for wear, tear, clogs and holes. And then…if it’s been awhile…take it out for a test drive and see how much dirt those carpets are hoarding.

Household Cleaning Supplies

You don’t always need to head to the store to stock up on cleaning supplies. You may often find what you need in your cabinets to effectively clean your house. Simple but effective household supplies for cleaning may include mixing baking soda and water to clean your appliances and counters.

  • You can polish your wood floors with a combination of lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  • Have silver to polish? Consider using toothpaste.
  • Shoe marks on the floors? Simply erase with the rubber end of a pencil.
  • Porcelain can be made new again with pumice or similar stones.
  • Get creative with the supplies you have so that you can save for that summer vacation that’s coming up quickly!

Gather Your Neighbors and Host a Community Garage/Yard Sale:

If you find things have piled up over the winter, this might just be the way to get rid of unnecessary clutter, while making a little money. Gathering neighbors for a community sale helps save time and draws a bigger crowd which leads to bigger sales and subsequently more money as well. Not to mention, you might just make some friends along the way. Summer BBQ anyone?

Spring Maintenance Saves Money

Whatever route you choose to take, routine cleaning and maintenance are very important to keeping maintenance costs low year-round. It may seem dull while you are doing it, but you will be glad you did so in the long run. Consider marking a week or two each spring dedicated to home maintenance projects, spring maintenance and perhaps some landscaping as well.

What Spring projects are you working on? Leave a comment below and don’t forget to grab your Weekly Cleaning Tasks Checklist!
