weight loss and your budget
Health + Insurance
Sarah Brumley

5 Ways To Embrace Weight Loss on a Budget

Deciding to lose weight is a huge step and can often come with the initial desire to do so, but without the planning needed to sustain it long-term. I should know because 11 years ago my husband and I set out to lose a significant amount of weight. In fact,

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no spend month money savings challenge
Monthly Challenges
Sarah Brumley

My Money Savings Challenge: January Edition

If you had the chance to read my recent post about my 2019 goals, you know that we have some pretty hefty goals related to our finances this year. To meet those goals, we are going to have to make some changes in our current spending habits and, in order

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encouragement challenge beginning
Monthly Challenges
Sarah Brumley

Encouragement Challenge: The Grand Beginning

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating the holiday season with friends and family and that you are now ready to get back to “regular” life and pursue your hopes and dreams for the future. I know I am! Last year offered me so many different

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fresh chance for success
Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

Everyone Needs A Fresh Chance for Success

Welcome to 2019! I hope you had a wonderful time saying goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019. I know I did. As always, I’m ready for the new and fresh start that January 1 brings and cannot wait to tell you all the goals I plan to achieve in

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resolution re-evaluation finished
Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

2018 Resolution Re-Evaluation: A Strong Finish

Why Resolution Re-Evaluation? It’s the final day of 2018 and the perfect time to discuss and reflect on those resolutions we made back in January and how we’ve fared over the past 12 months. Resolution re-evaluation is a quick way to check on our progress for the year and to easily

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happy birthday Sarah Brumley blog
Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

Celebrating One Year of The Blog

It’s been one year since the first post on this blog and cannot believe how much we’ve accomplished together. I’d like to start off by saying how thankful I am to YOU, for coming back week after week, reading my posts, leaving comments, sharing to social media, and just being an

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when all is merry and bright
Holiday + Vacation
Sarah Brumley

When All Is Merry and Bright

I love the Christmas season. The lights. The time spent with family. The food. Christmas Eve On Christmas Eve we typically go to church in the mid-afternoon and then spend the evening with family and friends around a table packed full of fun dishes of food, including spinach and artichoke

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real life family finance unemployed merchandizer
Real Life Family Finance Stories
Sarah Brumley

Real Life Family Finance: An Unemployed Merchandizer

Sometimes we find ourselves in family life, struggling to maintain a budget, and think we are the only ones out there dealing with similar issues. I mean, it’s easy to look at the neighbor across the street with the new truck, your best friend who is excited to spend money

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8 line items all successful budgets should have
Sarah Brumley

8 Line Items All Successful Budgets Should Have

I’m going to keep this short and sweet today as I know you are likely busy putting the finishing touches on the holiday planning, but I want to give you a few things to consider as we head toward a new month and, depending on the goals you have, a

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reasons not to give up lattes for financial success
Frugal Living
Sarah Brumley

3 Reasons Not To Give Up Lattes for Financial Success

I’m about to broach a subject that’s likely to make a lot of people squirm. I’d bet that if you are the budgeter in your home, the one responsible for the money, you are flinching a bit regarding the title of this post. And yet, I’m all about real life

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inspire your goals
Tools + Resources
Sarah Brumley

Inspiring Your Goals: Blogs, Books, and More

As we head toward a New Year (it’s coming up quick) and start to envision what our goals and dreams are for 2019, I thought it might be fun to take a look at a few blogs and books that I’ve found inspiring when it comes to my goals in

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15 ways to effectively destroy your budget
Sarah Brumley

15 Ways to Effectively Destroy Your Budget

Although there are probably an unlimited number of ways you can destroy your budget, I’ve decided to dedicate today’s post to just fifteen of the ones I deem to be the most effective. Method 1: Underestimating the Power of ATM Fees If you use your debit card on a regular

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