How To Create a Family Emergency Plan
Health + Insurance
Sarah Brumley

How To Create a Family Emergency Plan

t’s once again fire season in my neck of the woods. It’s hot and dry and has been for a few weeks, therefore it only takes a small spark for entire hillsides to go up in flames, leaving charred remains of homes, farms, and even entire communities. Depending on which

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How To Live on One Income (When You are Used to Two)
Sarah Brumley

How To Live on One Income (When You are Used to Two)

I gave my notice at work this week. Three weeks from now I will be taking on the role of full-time blogger, child taxi driver, and housecleaner (my own house, of course). While it’s exciting, it’s a bit nerve-wracking as well. You see, while I do currently make money running

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How To Manage Back-To-School Anxiety
School Year + Kids
Sarah Brumley

How To Manage Back-To-School Anxiety

I really hated the night before the first day of school. Each year, from kindergarten through 12th grade, I’d lie awake, sick to my stomach, wondering what the new classroom would look like if I would have any friends, what the new routine would be, and whether I would like

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How To Plan a Holiday BBQ on a Budget
Holiday + Vacation
Sarah Brumley

How To Plan a Holiday BBQ on a Budget

One of my absolute favorite holidays is the 4th of July. The warm weather, fireworks, and excitement everyone has for time spent with family, not to mention the day off from work, make it an excellent day to celebrate.

While much of the […]

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How to Travel On a Budget: Food Edition
Holiday + Vacation
Sarah Brumley

How to Travel On a Budget: Food Edition

I’m leaving this week for vacation. It’s always fun to travel, see new places, and get together with family and friends, and yet, this time I’m on a budget. I’ve been carefully planning for this trip for over a year and have been strategically saving money to ensure that I

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Three Reasons You Should Treat Your Budget Like a Diet
Sarah Brumley

Three Reasons You Should Treat Your Budget Like a Diet

After seven months of hardcore budgeting, it’s wearing on me a bit. I really want to get that credit card back out and go on shopping spree for new clothes and household items, and yet, I’m sticking to the original plan.

That doesn’t make it easy, though, which is why […]

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How To Navigate Health Insurance Choices: Part 2
Health + Insurance
Sarah Brumley

How To Navigate Health Insurance Choices: Part 2

I love the thrill of weighing the pros and cons of different healthcare plans. It’s not for everyone, though, which is why I’m going to walk you through my process step-by-step. I’ve also added an Excel workbook for you in the Printable Library […]

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How to Navigate Health Insurance Choices: Part 1
Health + Insurance
Sarah Brumley

How to Navigate Health Insurance Choices: Part 1

It’s open enrollment season for health insurance at my company, and with it brings a load of stress. The woman who manages our company insurance policy is fending off phone call after phone call from irate employees wanting […]

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2018 Resolution Reevaluation – June Edition
Financial Goals
Sarah Brumley

2018 Resolution Reevaluation – June Edition

It’s been a little over five months since we rang in the new year with confetti and champagne, and it’s time, once again, to discuss the resolutions we made at that time. How are your resolutions treating you? […]

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Your Budget and Convenience - They CAN Coexist!
Sarah Brumley

Your Budget and Convenience – They CAN Coexist!

The thing about budgeting is it doesn’t always line up with the conveniences we may or may not have previously enjoyed. For me, it’s losing housecleaners, picking less expensive grocery stores (that are more crowded), and making coffee at home rather than purchasing it at the coffee shop. Today, however,

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Create an Easy Budget-Friendly Sensory Garden
Family + Personal
Sarah Brumley

Create an Easy Budget-Friendly Sensory Garden

Have you always wanted to make a creative, beautiful sensory garden but didn’t know how or where to start? Are you still sitting there wondering ‘what IS a sensory garden?’ Today we will make sense out of this fabulous new feature you are considering adding to your life […]

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How To Host a Successful Family Budget Meeting
Family + Personal
Sarah Brumley

How To Host a Successful Family Budget Meeting

The needs, wants, and goals of your family are always changing, and your budget should be a tool to accommodate them all. Without frequent evaluation, though, that budget you’ve worked so hard to create will be nothing but a stressful discussion in your home. A good way to prevent the

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