5 Kid-Related Expenses to Consider for Summer Survival

Raising kids and sticking to a budget is no easy feat, especially when summer vacation hits. Today I’m offering five kid-related expenses to consider so that you can embrace the warmer months without the added financial stress. Sound like something you want? Well then, let’s get started.

5 Kid-Related Expenses to Consider for Summer Survival

Well hey there and welcome to another episode of the Financial Fix Up Podcast. With the weather warming up – at least in my area – I thought it might be a good idea to share a few summer kid-related expenses that I didn’t account for in my early years of budgeting. I’m hoping that it might save you some of the grief and financial stress that we dealt with as you head into the summer months.

Don’t have kids? That’s okay, too. Maybe you know a mom that could use this information OR maybe you want to think about these things in an effort to help another family out. I know that there are a lot of grandparents out there too that might have forgotten what it takes to get the kiddos through summer vacation. So, if that’s you – you’re still in the right place.

And I do have to say right here that if you are still struggling to get your budget up and going or you aren’t quite sure where to start – not to worry. Head to lemonblessings.com/family-budget or follow the link in the show notes to grab my Monthly Family Budget Worksheet. It’s FREE and you’ll be able to get your budget up and going in no time!

In the meantime, though, let’s jump into those kid-related expenses to consider for summer survival.

Kid-Related Expense #1: Childcare

The first one is childcare. With younger kiddos life might not change much as you head into the summer months, but if you have school aged kids, then childcare may become an additional cost.

Babysitters, daycare, day camps, overnight camps, gymnastic camps, etc. can all increase your expenses and put stress on an already tight budget. As much as you can, start planning now so that you aren’t caught off guard.

Kid-Related Expense #2: Food

The second kid-related expense is food. And this is one that really caught me off guard when my kids were in elementary school so it’s definitely one I recommend thinking about ahead of time, both logistically and financially.

If your kids eat breakfast and/or lunch at school, having them home for the summer likely means additional planning so that you have healthy food on hand. Logistically this might be even harder if you aren’t used to cooking those meals to begin with. So, if the budget allows, you might contemplate some easy grab-and-go options to make it work with your schedule.

Even if you spend the entire school year packing lunches for your kids, it’s not the same over the summer. Kids spend more time outside burning calories and in my experience, they always eat more when they are at home. So, plan accordingly and possibly – give that grocery budget a slight increase.

If you will also be feeding a babysitter or other kids, too, then that’s something to take into consideration, as well.

Kid-Related Expense #3: Swimsuit

The next expense might not come as a surprise to you, but it ALWAYS comes as a surprise to me. And that purchasing a new swim suit.

You know those rollerblades that can last your kids through five sizes? Like you buy them when they are a size 3 and you can slowly adjust them until they reach a size 8? I really wish they made kids swimsuits that were adjustable. We get like three, if we’re lucky, really good swimsuit months in a year and even then, they barely get used. And yet, one invitation to go to the lake requires having a swimsuit that actually fits. Too often, we are out at the store the day before struggling to find the right size at the right price.

So, unless you live in a tropical area where swimsuits are like an extra piece of clothing, it might be time to think about adding that swimsuit to your summer budget.

And…bonus tip – if you’re listening to this episode in real time, swimwear is out in stores as we speak and I’ve seen a lot of sales, too. So, the right time to grab one might just be now.

Kid-Related Expense #4: Sunscreen

The fourth expense I recommend thinking about ahead of time is sunscreen. I don’t care where you live, sunscreen is necessary if you, or your kids, spend any amount of time outside. And the stuff is expensive. Which means that not only should you plan ahead for it as part of your summer budget, but it’s also a good idea to look out for it now so that you can grab it if and when it goes on sale.

Keep in mind that sunscreen isn’t meant to last from year to year – it does lose it’s effectiveness, so it’ll likely become something that you will want to have and pay for over the course of the summer months.

Kid-Related Expense #5: Recreation

The final expense I’m going to share today and recommend that you plan ahead for is recreation.

Sure, this could include camps and that sort of activity, but what about those spur of the moment invitations for your kid to join another family and go to the local water park, splash pad, or indoor play place? The last thing you want to do is say no just because you didn’t plan ahead.

This category could even include family activities such as camping, visiting relatives, or purchasing new outdoor play equipment.

Now, full disclaimer here – if you are currently struggling to pay the minimums debt payments and purchase groceries each month, then this is a category to contemplate for later. Not now. Right now, focusing on the necessities is more important so give yourself grace if you are in that spot. I’ve been there too, so I know.

But if you do have a little extra and know that you will say yes or at least want to, then recreation is a good thing to contemplate ahead of time.

What Kid-Related Expenses Will You Consider for Summer Survival?

So, let’s do a quick recap. If you want to maintain your budget while your kids are on summer vacation, there are five things to consider:

  1. Childcare
  2. Food
  3. Swimsuit
  4. Sunscreen
  5. Recreation

These are all items that will likely go above and beyond your basic monthly budget and require a little planning ahead. Are there others? I’m sure there are, but these are the five that I know have wreaked havoc on our budget in previous years. So, take em or leave em, but that’s what I got.

And if you want a little more structure for your monthly budget, definitely grab my FREE Monthly Family Budget Worksheet. It has everything you need to track your monthly expenses AND manage those seasonal ones too. You can find it at lemonblessings.com/family-budget or by following the link in the show notes.

Whatever you choose, just know that I’m cheering you on! You’ve got this! Have an amazing day!
