Encouragement Challenge: Strengthen and Command

I love having one area of my home that is specifically designed for family communication and I can tell you that without it, my family would be lost, my house would always be a mess, and kids’ papers would never make it back to school.

I’m serious. Our communication center saves us so much time each and every day and I highly recommend one to everyone, no matter what your family life looks like.

Encouragement Challenge: Strengthen and Command

This week’s challenge involves one of two options (your choice!).

Option 1

If you don’t have a communication (or command) center in your home, it’s time to put one together. It doesn’t have to be fancy but should help you and your family stay organized.

Things you can add to it include, but are not limited to:

Additional Resources:

How Our Family Command Center Works

Everyone Loves Household Chores (Or Do They?)

Option 2

If you already have a communication center in your home, take this time to refresh it. Is it working as effectively as it should? If not, what things should you change? Do you need new chore sheets, a new colored border, or a current calendar? Make any changes you need to and, if necessary, have a discussion with your family about how to use the communication properly. Sometimes all it takes is a few reminders.

When you finish, leave me a comment below and let me know the one thing you have in your communication center that you couldn’t live without!

Tip #1: Does your communication center have your goals posted on it? If not, it might be something to consider to help keep you on track.

Tip #2:  If you are struggling to stay on track with your goals, why not join my FREE 5-Day Achieve Your Goals Course
