How to Spring Clean Your Personal Life (and Your Home, Too!)

It’s the perfect day to spring clean your personal life, so don’t miss this challenge!

I don’t know about you, but Saturday morning in my home typically finds us doing all the chores we haven’t had time to finish over the course of the week. Afterward, we normally go to the mall, on a hike, or to the library. The afternoon is spent with each person getting a couple of hours of quiet time to themselves. It’s one of my favorite times of the week, and I often use it to catch up on some writing, read a book, and, on a rare occasion, watch a movie of my own choosing.

With Spring Cleaning in full force this week, I plan on using my alone time this week to get my kitchen cleaned (see below) without interruption. I’ll plug my headphones in, crank the music up loud, and dance around the kitchen while I work to get it spotless and ready for the months to come.

Tip: Grab your FREE printable Spring Cleaning Task List. Find it HERE.

Finding Personal Time

In our day-to-day busy lives with work, parenting, and household tasks, this idea of personal time (taking care of you) often goes to the wayside. And yet, it’s a critical part of our ability to be able to rest, recover, and relax. My husband has been generous enough to me to allow me to have at least one hour of personal time each day. No interruptions, no kids. I’m able to spend that time studying God’s word, writing, reflecting, and recharging so that when I rejoin the family, I can focus on their needs. In return, Justin also gets time to himself each day for the same reasons.

How long has it been since you had a couple of hours to yourself?

Taking time for yourself is critical, and that’s why our family makes such a big deal out of it each week. Have kids? Train them to do so as well and they will grow up, aware of their need to be alone to rest and recharge.

Creating Personal Goals

Another important part of the taking care of you includes making personal goals. You need to have goals for yourself, outside of the goals for your marriage, parenting, or career. These can include anything that makes you tick. I think back to some of the things I was really interested in before I got married and had a family – perhaps for you it’s a hobby, something you are really good at, something you’ve always wanted to do. Put it in writing, make a plan, and get your family involved in supporting you in achieving that goal.

When I put my own personal goals together for the first time, I had a really hard time separating mine from those of my family. When I was finally able to come up with goals that were mine alone, I realized that I’d been neglecting the things that matter to me personally. It turns out that when I have my own goals and begin to work towards them, it doesn’t take away from my family, and actually, makes me a better person to be around. I’m happier when I’ve achieved something that matters to me.

Reflecting on those goals every few months is also an important step. If you set goals and never monitor them, they aren’t as likely to be achieved. As part of your plan, determine how you will evaluate those goals in the short and long term.

Personal Spring Cleaning Tasks

Task 1

Come up with a list of personal goals for the upcoming month and year. Keep in mind that these goals are PERSONAL, meaning that they don’t include your family and kids. Write them down and share them with at least one person. Ask that person to hold you accountable. Note: if you created goals recently, then inventory the results thus far, and determine what adjustments you might need to make.

Task 2

If you don’t already have a weekly (or more frequent) uninterrupted personal time set aside, work with your spouse to schedule one. Personal time is necessary, for reflection, refreshment, and rest. You can’t be useful to those around you if you don’t take time to rest.

QUESTION: What’s your favorite way to spend your time alone?

Today’s Cleaning Tasks: Kitchen

If you are joining us for the cleaning portion of this challenge, today’s tasks can be found below and a printable version is here.

Kitchen Cleaning Tasks:

  • Remove cobwebs in corners or around windows and light fixtures
  • Empty all cupboards and wipe them out
  • Toss any outdated food and place all items back in their respective cupboards
  • Clean backsplash and range
  • Clean oven, pull the drawer out underneath and vacuum
  • Wipe out microwave
  • Clean cabinet fronts and exterior of appliances
  • Empty fridge. Toss all outdated food and wash any containers.
  • Wipe out the fridge – the easiest way to do this is to take out any removable shelves and drawers and wash them in the sink
  • Freezer – remove all items from the freezer, once again throwing away anything that is expired. Wipe out freezer, ridding of any crumbs or food particles.
  • Under sink storage – get rid of any empty bottles. Contemplate reorganization if it’s become cluttered.
  • Vacuum space behind fridge and fridge coils
  • Sweep/vacuum floors, taking care to clean any corners or baseboards
  • Wipe down any spots on the walls
  • Clean garbage and recycling cans.

The challenge is coming to a close tomorrow, so don’t miss the grand finale. I’m so thankful for all of your responses on social media and the private conversations I’ve been able to have with many of you. What a blessing to have this great group of people joining us!

Have a wonderful, relaxing day!

Tip: Grab your FREE printable Spring Cleaning Task List. Find it HERE.




